Information notice on the processing of personal data

Information notice on the processing of personal data (pursuant to Article 13 of EU Reg. 2016/679)Dear Customer Pursuant to article 13 of EU Reg. 2016/679, we provide you with the following information concerning your personal data we process:Data controller: Tessil-novex Srl, Via Tentorio, 2/d –22100 Como, tel. 0039/031.262515 mail info@tessilnovex.itPurposes of processing, legal basis, obligation or power to provide dataYour personal data will be processed by us:To provide the requested products and / or services.Processing is necessary for the definition and subsequent implementation of the contractual agreement; your consent is not required. The treatment will cease withthe performance of the requested service, but some of your personal data may or must continue to be processed for the purposes and with the methods indicated in the following points;To comply with current administrative, accounting and tax obligations. The treatment is mandatory; your consent is not required. In case of refusal to provide the data necessary for the above-mentioned obligations, we will not be able to provide the requested products and / or services. The data acquired for these purposes arestored by us for the time provided for by the respective regulations (10 years, and even more in the case of tax assessments);To protect the people, property and company assets through a video surveillance system of some areas of the structure, identifiable by the presence of appropriate signs. Your consent is not required fot the treatment, as it is our legitimate interest to protect people as well as the properties against any possible attacks, thefts, robberies, damage, acts of vandalism and for purposes of fire prevention and job security. The recorded images are deleted after 10 days, except holidays or other cases such as closing of the financial year , and in any case not more than 20 days. They are not the object of communication to third parties, except in the case of a specific request by the Public Safety and / or Judicial Authorities;Communication and diffusionYour personal data will not be subject to disclosure. Within the aforementioned activities connected to the purposes we have pursued, we may communicate them to the following subjects:a. Administrations,Organisms and Public authority , due to express regulatory provisions (eg Revenue Agency);b. Professionals and companies of our suppliers or consultants in order to provide the required services and comply with current administrative, accounting and tax obligations, within the limits necessary to perform their duties on behalf of our structure, after our formal assignment as an external entity responsible for respecting the duty of confidentiality and security. Transfer of data abroadSome of your personal data and contact details (name and surname, address, e-mail, telephone number) may be transferred abroad due to information communication tools (eg e-mails) we use, where they reside on servers located outside the Italian territory.StorageYour personal data will be kept until performance of the services requested by us. In case of consent, they will be kept for 10years after the date of execution of the requested services.Your rightsYou, at any time, may exercise your rights pursuant to articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 of the EU Reg. 2016/679 and that is: the right to request confirmation of the existence of personal data and access to it, the right to request its integration, correction, updating, cancellation, the right to oppose their treatment or to limit it for legitimate reasons, as well as the right to request a copy in a structured format, in common use and readable from an automatic device.You have the right to withdraw the consent given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to the revocation.Finally, you have the right to make a complaint to the Supervisory Authority in case of unlawful processing or in a way that does not comply with current legislation and this information: Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121 00186 ROME -fax: (+39) 06.69677.3785 -tel. (+39) 06.696771 -mail: RegardsInformed consentThe / The undersigned, _________________________ C.F. ______________________ (alternative: date of birth) acquired the information provided by the data controller, as an interested party:forthe detection and processing of particular / sensitive dataGive consent Deny the consentfor data retention for ____ years starting from the date of supply of the requested service / serviceGive consent Deny the consentfor sending promotional communications, advertising, offers, promotionsGive consent Deny the consentDate ____/____/____ Read, accepted and signed______________________________(Signature)
